
Quality Improvement in Long-Term Care Facilities (LNFA)

Time limit: 30 days
1.5 credits


Full course description

Upon completion of this course, the health care provider will understand:

 1) The challenges affecting quality of care in LTC facilities (include impact of financial incentives - value-based payments)

2) Legal and regulatory framework (federal and state) prioritizing quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) programs in long term care facilities.

3) Metrics: for internal QAPI programs and for patient quality metrics

4) Quality assurance definition and processes

5) Performance improvement process and tools

The course content has been reviewed and has been approved for 1.5 CEs for Licensed Nursing Facility Administrators. The Texas Health and Human Services, Continuing Education Services is approved to provide Licensed Nursing Facility Administrator continuing education hours, per Long-term Care Regulatory Licensing and Credentialing, HHSC Regulatory Services by the State of Texas per Texas Administrative Code §555.35. 

However, the course is not approved by the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators (NAB). Sponsor or provider numbers are not applicable to these courses. This is indicated on the certificate of successful completion.


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