Identification and Response to Human Trafficking in Healthcare
Ends Dec 15, 2025
1.25 credits
Full course description
Provide an overview of human trafficking including definitions, types of trafficking, dynamics, and vulnerabilities.
Describe the health impact of human trafficking on persons experiencing trafficking.
Describe identification assessment and documentation techniques for persons experiencing trafficking.
Describe appropriate response and follow up for a suspected or confirmed person being trafficked.
Human trafficking is a worldwide-occurring form of human exploitation and abuse. In the United States, the primary forms of trafficking are labor and sex trafficking. Healthcare providers are uniquely poised to prevent, identify, and respond to human trafficking as it presents in the healthcare environment. Up to 87% of human trafficking survivors report passing through the medical system without being identified during their trafficking experience. This presentation equips healthcare providers with the tools needed to recognize human trafficking in the healthcare environment and respond appropriately.
The instructor for this course is Jason Spees, MSN, MAOM, APRN, L.Ac., FNP-C, Dipl. Ac. & C.H.
Board Certified and Licensed Family Nurse Practitioner
Jason Spees is an alumnus of The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing where he served as a clinical instructor in both graduate and undergraduate level courses. He is a board-certified and licensed family nurse practitioner. Additionally, he holds a license to practice acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He is currently pursuing a PhD in nursing with a research focus on human trafficking, and volunteers as an educator in human trafficking to healthcare providers and for the Victims Advocate Network. His background includes family practice, traditional Chinese medicine, urology, emergency medicine, chronic pain and rehab, hospice and palliative care, long-term care, and skilled nursing. Arriving from both a complementary and traditional medical perspective, Jason strives to combine science and holism in caring for his patients.
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Presented by:
Jason Spees, MSN, MAOM, APRN, L.Ac., FNP-C, Dipl. Ac. & C.H.
Board Certified and Licensed Family Nurse Practitioner
Disclosure to Participants
This activity expires December 15, 2025, and after that time, even if the course is still accessible it cannot be used for nursing continuing education credits. UT Austin School of Nursing accredited provider unit is not responsible for any use of the program beyond its expiration date.
Learning Objectives
- Provide an overview of human trafficking including definitions, types of trafficking, dynamics, and vulnerabilities.
- Describe the health impact of human trafficking on persons experiencing trafficking.
- Describe identification assessment and documentation techniques for persons experiencing trafficking.
- Describe appropriate response and follow up for a suspected or confirmed person being trafficked.
Accreditation Statement
University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive contact hours for this continuing education activity, the participant must register for the course, complete the entire module, and complete and submit the evaluation form. Once successful completion has been verified, a “Certificate of Successful Completion” will be awarded for 1.25 contact hours. This certificate will be issued automatically and emailed to the address associated with the course registration. Certificates can also be accessed via the Catalog Student Dashboard’s “Completed” tab.
To fulfill the human trafficking license renewal requirements for the Texas Board of Registered Nurses, the course you take must be listed here: Approved Human Trafficking Courses for Healthcare Practitioners. This course is listed under "University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing" and is approved until 12/15/2025. The certificate you receive from us will have the information required to identify it as a human trafficking course with the Texas Board of Nursing.
Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual has an opportunity to affect or impact educational content with which he or she may have a commercial interest or a potentially biasing relationship of a financial nature. All activity planning committee members and presenters/authors/content reviewers have had their Conflict of Interest assessed, identified and resolved by the nurse planner.
Education Disclaimer
The author(s) of this continuing education activity have made reasonable efforts to ensure that all information contained herein is accurate in accordance with the latest available scientific evidence at the time of publication. However, because information regarding medications, treatment guidelines, and other healthcare information is subject to constant change, the participant is advised to always confirm practice resources before applying any learned information in practice. Activities produced by UT Austin School of Nursing are intended solely for purposes of supplementing health care professionals’ knowledge. The opinions expressed in this educational activity are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views of The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing.
Time to complete this module: 75 minutes
Original release date: 12/15/2024
End date: 12/15/2025