Identify Cyber Risks: Healthcare Enterprise Cyber Risk Management
Apr 7, 2025 - May 4, 2025
1.5 CEUs
Full course description
This enterprise cyber risk management (ECRM) course emphasizes the point that healthcare cybersecurity matters are patient safety and business risk management matters, not IT problems.
You will first be exposed to foundational ECRM topics. Risk management will be treated as comprising two overlapping requirements as compliance risk management and security risk management. Successful and robust healthcare ECRM programs will ensure both compliance and security.
You will acquire skills to conduct security risk analyses using the industry-leading software platform, IRM|Analysis®. This course will evolve from its initial strategic ECRM focus to the practical matter of conducting a risk analysis according to federal requirements and guidance.
Define and explain the relationship between Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and ECRM.
Describe at least five Best Practices to establish an ECRM program.
Differentiate HIPAA risk analysis, non-technical, and technical evaluations.
Explain why it is important to conduct a non-technical evaluation.
Complete a hands-on HIPAA Security Risk Analysis.
This program is designed for experienced U.S. healthcare professionals from a variety of healthcare or healthcare-related settings who want to enhance their careers, including:
- Clinical professionals,
- Healthcare administrators,
- Information Technology professionals, including Cybersecurity,
- Emergency preparedness professionals,
- Risk managers, and
- Other healthcare professionals.
This program is not designed for those looking to enter the healthcare field. Learners should have at least two years of U.S. healthcare-related experience and a college degree, or five years of U.S. healthcare-related experience without a college degree.
Step 1 – Check your eligibility. Submit a Registration Approval Request to confirm eligibility for the program at least two weeks prior to the course start date.
Step 2 – Register and submit payment. After you receive notification via email that you have been approved to register, you must complete and return a Registration Form and payment at least two weeks prior to the course start date.
This course is delivered primarily via asynchronous instruction, meaning that learners can work at their own pace for the first three weeks of the course. During the fourth week of the course, there will be a live, online session with the course instructor.
Textbook Information
Upon enrollment confirmation, learners will be mailed a copy of the required textbook, Stop the Cyber Bleeding. Learners will also receive a complimentary copy of Enterprise Risk Management as a Value Creator textbook by Mr. Bob Chaput.
Digital Badge
Upon successful completion of this four-week microcredential course, you will be awarded a competency-based digital badge demonstrating specific knowledge and skills related to the course topic.
If you are pursuing the badge for the Leadership in Healthcare Cyber Risk Management program, you have two years to complete all six courses from the start date of your first class, though most students typically finish the certificate within 6 to 12 months.
Questions? Send them to your enrollment advisor.
Bob Chaput, author of "Enterprise Cyber Risk Management as a Value Creator" and "Stop the Cyber Bleeding," founded Clearwater Security, a leading provider of security services, where he now serves as executive chairman. With over 40 years of experience, he advises Fortune 100 companies and government agencies. Chaput educates industry leaders through articles, presentations and webinars and holds numerous professional certifications. His work has been featured in major publications like Modern Healthcare and The Wall Street Journal, and he has been recognized by CyberCrime Magazine as a 2024 Cybersecurity Pundit. He is a member of the IANS Research Faculty.
Chaput received a bachelor of arts degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and a master of arts degree in mathematics from Clark University.
Chaput holds the following certifications:
- National Association of Corporate Directors Directorship Certification (NACD.DC)
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
- HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practioner (HCISPP)
- CMMC Certified Professional (CCP)
- Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control® (CRISC)
- Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US)
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