Recover: Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery
Jul 21, 2025 - Aug 17, 2025
1.5 CEUs
Full course description
You will learn advanced leadership skills to become an active participant in an organization’s business continuity planning and disaster recovery teams for cyber protection and resilience. You will learn to use practical skills in identifying the functional priorities of the organization and composite risk management techniques to comply with policy and regulatory requirements. This course features assignments culminating with a live briefing before senior executive leaders recorded for your ePortfolio.
Identify and describe the range of cybersecurity risks that can affect the healthcare sector, including third-party partners, customers, patients, investors, government regulatory obligations and the entity's reputation.
Analyze and articulate the potential consequences of a worst-case cyber-attack on a healthcare entity, considering operational, financial and reputational damages.
Evaluate the specific risks associated with natural disasters at a healthcare entity's location and implications for cyber impacts and data integrity.
Assess the potential cybersecurity risks and challenges posed by the geographic separation of employees, especially in key operational locations within the healthcare sector.
Demonstrate proficiency in leadership communication by presenting an agenda item live to a senior executive team. This will be video recorded as a course takeaway for your ePortfolio.
This program is designed for experienced U.S. healthcare professionals from a variety of healthcare or healthcare-related settings who want to enhance their careers, including:
- Clinical professionals,
- Healthcare administrators,
- Information Technology professionals, including Cybersecurity,
- Emergency preparedness professionals,
- Risk managers, and
- Other healthcare professionals.
This program is not designed for those looking to enter the healthcare field. Learners should have at least two years of U.S. healthcare-related experience and a college degree, or five years of U.S. healthcare-related experience without a college degree.
Step 1 – Check your eligibility. Submit a Registration Approval Request to confirm eligibility for the program at least two weeks prior to the course start date.
Step 2 – Register and submit payment. After you receive notification via email that you have been approved to register, you must complete and return a Registration Form and payment at least two weeks prior to the course start date.
This course is delivered primarily via asynchronous instruction, meaning that learners can work at their own pace. During the fourth week of the course, there will be a live, online session with the course instructor.
Textbook Information
Upon enrollment confirmation, learners will be mailed a complimentary copy of Enterprise Risk Management as a Value Creator textbook by Mr. Bob Chaput.
Digital Badge
Upon successful completion of this four-week microcredential course, you will be awarded a competency-based digital badge demonstrating specific knowledge and skills related to the course topic.
If you are pursuing the badge for the Leadership in Healthcare Cyber Risk Management program, you have two years to complete all six courses from the start date of your first class, though most students typically finish the certificate within 6 to 12 months.
Questions? Send them to your enrollment advisor.
David Alexander Arnold, Jr., is a seasoned healthcare IT executive, active duty military officer and educator with over three decades of experience. His career spans leadership roles in major health insurance companies, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and executive positions at firms like Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. Arnold has also served as CEO of Capsenta, a technology startup. Currently, he serves as a captain in the Texas State Guard, focusing on IT and cybersecurity. At The University of Texas at Austin, Arnold is co-director and instructor in the Leadership in Healthcare Cyber Risk Management Certificate Program, combining his expertise in healthcare, technology and education.
Arnold received a bachelor of science degree in education and a master’s degree in neuroscience. He holds a credential for exercise test technologist from the American College of Sports Medicine, the Account Manager certification from Electronic Data Systems and is a graduate of the Fisher CIO Leadership Program at the University of California at Berkeley Haas School of Business. He also graduated from Officer Candidate School at the Texas State Guard, and he holds a Master of Emergency Management Specialist credential from the State Guard Association of the United States.
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